Mind vs Soul
Mind and soul are two concepts that are closely related yet very distinct from one another. They both come from the inner part of a human being, particularly his brain and maybe his heart.
The soul is the spiritual nature of humankind. It is the incorporeal essence of humankind, and it is thought to be separable from the body at death. In life, it is credited with the faculties of thought, action, and emotion.
The mind is man’s faculty of thinking, reasoning, and applying knowledge. It is human consciousness that starts in the brain and is manifested through man’s thoughts, actions, emotion, will, memory, and imagination.
Emotions like desire stem from our souls. Desires are aimed at things that are transient, those things that go away and die but at the same time will give us pleasure. Our minds are where we decide how to take pleasure, what we should do to achieve it, and how it should be fulfilled.
Most religions consider the soul to be man’s divine or God-given essence. While some religions believe that the soul will exit the body after death others believe that souls exist in all living things as well as in non living things.
The soul as the essence of the person decides how man behaves and this essence is an eternal part of our being. It is comprised of: the mind, our emotions, and our desires. The idea of the existence of souls is more closely connected to spirituality and religion.
For scientists, the soul is synonymous with the mind due to the fact that one can learn about the soul by studying the human brain where our minds are located. Still others believe that the soul is closely related to being alive and that when man is active, his soul is asleep; when man is asleep it is active through his dreams.
The mind on the other hand is used to refer to the individual’s thought process of reason and consciousness. It is synonymous with thought which is an individual’s private conversion with himself that is done inside his head.
Some psychologists believe that emotions like love, hate, fear, and joy are separate from the mind because only higher intellectual processes like memory and reason can be part of the mind.
For them, here are what makes up the mind:
1. Thought, which allows an individual to shape the world and deal with it to achieve his goals, plans, and desires.
2. Memory, which is a living organism’s ability to retain, store, and recall information.
3. Imagination, which is man’s ability to create ideas about certain things and experiences.
4. Consciousness, which is man’s ability to perceive his relationship to his environment.
1. Soul is the spiritual nature of man while mind is man’s faculty of thinking and reasoning.
2. The soul is considered as the essence of man while the mind is in charge of man’s consciousness and thoughts.
3. Our desires stem from our souls while our minds decide what actions to take in order to achieve our desires. (keinginan kita dari dari jiwa, sedangkan fikiran memutuskan apa tindakan yang akan kita ambil)
Read more: Difference Between Mind and Soul Difference Between Mind vs Soul http://www.differencebetween.net/language/difference-between-mind-and-soul/#ixzz1NG52Mtr6