Senin, 23 Mei 2011

Ilmu vs teknologi

Science vs Technology

Science can be called a systematic knowledge base developed through observation and experiment of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world; Technology is the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes.
Science and Technology might appear same when it comes to their meaning and purpose, but there is certainly some difference between the two. Science is normally spoken in connection with technology in the educational institutions. There is a difference in the definitions of the two.

Science is about the systematic arrival of conclusion or findings. It involves steps that establish the outcome of the findings. In short science can be called a systematic knowledge base. Technology on the contrary is applied science. Technology involves the use of tools as well as knowledge for the study of a particular science. Hence the term applied science is used to refer technology.

Science is a study of aspects under the various branches such as physics, chemistry and biology. In the case of technology, the science of radiation can be applied in the technology related to the development of the tools and advanced study of the application of radiation. As a result a radiation technician works with the technology of radiation have studied the science of radiation.
In the same way, the advancement in the study of energy led to the development of technology of solar panels that are used to generate energy and power. Thus the application of a particular branch of science is helpful in the development of technology of the particular branch. Thus technology can be called applied science.

Science is more concerned about analysis. Technology has everything to do with synthesis of design. Science deals with theories and their findings, whereas technology is much concerned about processes. Technology has to get its processes right to make an advancement in the field of applied science.

Another importance difference between science and technology is the fact that science involves observation and experimentation while technology is all about invention and production. The invention of tools and their production are the facets of technology.


The difference between science and technology:
 Science is more or less a study of a particular branch namely, physics, chemistry or biology. Technology deals with what is called applied science.
 Science involves observation and experimentation whereas technology involves invention and production.
 Science is all about analysis whereas technology is more concerned about the synthesis of design

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